Category: Judaism


An Antescript to Rabbi Feldman

Rabbi Ilan Feldman’s piece continues to dominate in the popularity race of the new issue, both in terms of numbers of downloads, and in the responses come in. One reader, whose identity I do...


Hospitals and Halacha

Rabbi Jason Wiener is a young rov who has done an outstanding job as the senior Jewish chaplain at Cedars-Sinai Hospital Center in Los Angeles. His penchant for serious treatment of halacha is obvious...

A Film Informs My Sh’ma

As a single young man in 1977, I once found myself in a science museum where I viewed a just released short film that – there’s really no other way to put it –...

To Err is Essential

Students of Daf Yomi will reach it on the seventh day of Chanukah, “it” being a particularly trenchant mishna in Mesechta Shabbos, considering that the following day, “Zos Chanukah,” is identified in the Jewish...

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